Learning Outcomes
- Fish and seafood are significant to people and their communities all over the world.
- Buying and eating local seafood helps our economy, our environment and our health.
Learning Space
Standards Alignment
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): SEP 8
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): SEP 7
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): SEP 4
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): SEP 2
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): MS-ESS3-3
MLR - SS: MLR Social Studies Standards: Geography
MLR - SS: MLR Social Studies Standards: Personal Finance & Economics
MLR - Health Education: MLR Health Education Standards: Standard HE 5 Communication and Advocacy Skills
MLR - Health Education: MLR Health Education Standards: Standard HE 4 Influences on Health
MLR - Health Education: MLR Health Education Standards: Standard HE 1 Health Concepts
These lessons work especially well with schools and districts that are increasing the amount of seafood served in their cafeteria. You can learn more about how to get started using our Sea-to-School How-to Guide for K-12 Schools in New England
Additional resources, training videos, recipes and more can be found here:
- Sea to School Resource Hub - Gulf of Maine Research Institute
- Recipes from The Maine Coast Fishermen's Association
- Maine Agriculture in the Classroom (grants, PD and resources)
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Resources- Maine Farm to School Network
- Maine Farm and Sea to School Network
- Maine FoodCorps
- Maine Kelp Curriculum from Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center
Lesson 1: Food from the World’s Oceans
Students work together to brainstorm and learn about various foods that come from the sea. They then go on to use an online, multilingual interactive website highlighting the importance of seafood locally and globally.
Lesson Slides | Investigation: Seafood Around the World - Note Catcher | ThingLink Interactive: Seafood World Map | Teachers Guide
Lesson 2 - The Benefits of Local Seafood
Students begin with an opportunity to share their own connections with seafood and the ocean. They then spend time in 5 stations focused on seafood and the environment, the economics of local seafood, kelp farming, the health benefits of seafood, and seashell identification.
Lesson Slides | Seafood People Bingo | Seafood Station Materials | Seafood Station Student Note Catcher | Teacher Guide
Lesson 3 - Seafood Marketplace
Students participate in an interactive marketplace taking on the roles of harvesters and buyers to better understand the market dynamics related to local seafood.
Lesson Slides | Seafood Game Materials | Buyer Notes Page | Harvester Notes Page | Teacher Guide
Lesson 4 - The Sea to Plate Journey
Students consider the journey of a fish stick from the sea to their cafeteria plate and learn about the benefits of locally-sourcing seafood.
Lesson Slides | Seafood in Maine Video Note Catcher | Teacher Guide
Lesson 5 - Seafood and Our Community
Classrooms are empowered to apply their learning in a locally relevant way using a choice board of ideas to celebrate and make the case for local seafood.
Lesson Slides | Local Seafood Action Choice Board | Teacher Guide