GMRI Science Learning Resources — connecting classrooms to authentic science experiences.
Featured Curriculum
We design science learning resources to support educators to engage their students in authentic and current science about climate and ecosystem change.
Schedule a field trip to LabVenture
Every year, students from each of Maine’s 16 counties participate in LabVenture, at no cost to the students or school districts. If you are a 5th or 6th grade teacher in Maine and would like your students to attend LabVenture, register now.
Request a Visit

Want to engage students with community science?
We've designed community science projects specifically geared toward teachers and students. GMRI has also developed corresponding curriculum for each project accessible from the project pages.
Learn MoreServing Maine's teachers through inquiry-based science curriculum
The Gulf of Maine Research Institute has created compelling curriculum for teachers of middle school students that connects classroom learning to authentic scientific experiences for students. Whether you’re visiting our lab or conducting field work in your own neighborhood, our curriculum is specifically designed to advance your students’ skills in science. Not sure where to start? Email us at [email protected] and we can help find the resources right for you and your students. Unless otherwise noted, this material is released under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. This license permits users to remix, transform, and build upon the material and to redistribute with attribution to GMRI for noncommercial uses only. If you remix, transform, or building upon the material, you must distribute your material under the same license as the original.